Near Lyon, chemical substances detected in eggs

Watch your egg consumption! The Rhône prefecture warns in a press release on Tuesday evening that traces of PFAS – substances with specific chemical properties used in everyday products – have been detected in eggs from the henhouses of Pierre-Bénite and Oullins, in the south from Lyon.

The analyzes carried out by the State services indicate that the rate of these “eternal pollutants” is very high, up to nearly seventeen times the regulatory rate. The prefecture explains this strong presence by “soil contamination”. “By pecking, the hens contaminate themselves and their eggs”, it is written.

The Rhône prefecture recommends that the inhabitants of these two municipalities, as well as in neighboring towns, Saint-Genis-Laval and Irigny, not to consume eggs or poultry meat. “Additional studies will be carried out to determine more precisely the affected area”, conclude the State services.

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