Nasa moon mission: Rocket should roll to the launch site for a new launch attempt

Nasa moon mission
The rocket is to roll to the launch site for a new launch attempt

A new launch attempt is planned for November 14th. photo

© John Raoux/AP/dpa

“Artemis 1” is actually a prestige project of NASA: As part of the mission, a woman and a non-white person are to start for the first time to the moon. But so far the project has been struggling with problems.

About two weeks before the next planned launch attempt of NASA’s crisis-ridden moon mission “Artemis 1”, the US space agency wants to roll the rocket back to the launch site this week.

The so-called “rollout” at the Cape Canaveral spaceport in the US state of Florida should be completed on Friday, NASA announced at a press conference.

The launch attempt is then planned for around midnight (local time) on November 14. The next alternative dates would be November 16th, 19th and 25th. It is a test flight of the unmanned spacecraft to the moon.

Leaking tank hose prevents start

The mission has not been under a good star so far: First, two launch attempts had been canceled due to technical problems – including a leaking tank hose. Most recently, a launch planned for the end of September had to be canceled due to a tropical storm.

With the Artemis program, named after the Greek goddess of the moon, US astronauts will later land on the moon again, for the first time a woman and a non-white person.


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