Mystery shopping cart, lost packages… Have you succumbed to the madness of blind shopping? tell us

It was more of a pleasure reserved for children. The concept of surprise, to be discovered in a pouch, or in a small chocolate egg. Yes, but now, in these times of inflation and purchasing power crisis, this pleasure now delights older adults, who give themselves the feeling of getting a good deal by purchasing mystery shopping carts in supermarkets, surprise bags , lost suitcases or even unclaimed packages in the stands and shops that have popped up in recent months. All at a price benefiting from a significant discount.

The idea: get a great deal by discovering one or more valuable items that will explode the profitability of the initial investment. And this offer responds to very strong demand from consumers.

Is this your case? What types of blind buys do you do? More unclaimed postal packages or shopping carts or goody bags? What is the cost of these purchases? And what discoveries have you made? Are these purchases interesting and profitable or not? Do you do it regularly? What feeling does this give you? Tell us.

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