Munich today – news from August 28th, 2022 – Munich

Are you one of those people who like to travel? I myself love exploring new cities, experiencing culture and discovering a foreign place with all my senses. I rarely think about the fact that the beautiful city I live in could be just as much a place of longing for other people as Paris, New York or Cape Town are for me.

Countless tourists are once again being drawn to Munich this summer. Many of them travel by train, with Interrail tickets that allow multiple rail journeys through 33 different countries for comparatively little money. Among them are many young people, often from distant countries, who make a short stop in the Bavarian state capital on their long European tours. What is it that you expect when you set Munich as your travel destination? Were they attracted by the European Championships, did they take the bait from hit fisherman Helene or is it something completely different?

During their tour of discovery, five young people took the time to talk to me about exactly these questions, to explain their expectations and to describe their impressions (SZ Plus). Everyone agrees on one thing: Munich definitely has more to offer than beer and lederhosen – and that’s a good thing!


Dispute over vacancies in the student city: “It’s a drama” Hundreds of apartments are empty in Germany’s largest facility for students. Where will the money for the renovation come from? The CSU Minister of Science proposes asking residents to pay more. The opposition sees the Free State as having a duty (SZ Plus).

The Free State must help the students A good 1,200 apartments are empty in the student city. In order not to make the disaster even bigger, the state government should give the necessary millions for the renovation. To the comment.

“… and they wouldn’t even see it” Robbie Williams makes a rude joke about concert-goers standing far from the stage. Behind the scenes, the organizer takes on the press. About a mega concert and its downsides (SZ Plus).

16-year-old drowned after accident with SUP board The non-swimmer falls from her board into Lake Ammer on Friday evening in front of her parents. The girl was only found dead on Sunday afternoon.

Playing child is killed by 200-kilo statue It is unclear why the stone figure fell over in the courtyard of a hotel. The dead girl’s family vacationed in Munich.

“Parenthood is seething with rage” The new educational campus in Riem cannot open as planned when school starts in September. The news reached those affected at very short notice – and many families are dissatisfied with the alternative quarters in the city center.

Christopher Street Day 2023 a month early Because there are no other events taking place in the old town in June, the move will be brought forward.



Restaurants in Munich | Bars in Munich | breakfast and brunch

To the counties: Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen | Dachau | Ebersberg | Erding | Freising | Fürstenfeldbruck | Munich | Starnberg

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