Munich today – news from August 26th, 2022 – Munich

Ten years ago, Schwabing was rocked by a violent explosion. On August 28, 2012 at 9.54 p.m. a bomb from the Second World War had to be detonated in the middle of the residential area. It had been dug up the day before on the property at Feilitzschstraße 7. It weighed 500 pounds – and was still sharp.

It later became clear that an explosion was inevitable. The residents of the area were evacuated, and for a few hours the streets around the Münchner Freiheit were like a ghost town. Afterwards, both experts and local residents disagreed as to why the bomb could not be defused and whether all procedures were correct. What is certain is that the explosion of such a bomb leaves traces, both visible and invisible. The fear for one’s own home, for the shop that has to feed a whole family, maybe also the fear for one’s own life, that’s what a person has to process first. The detonation of the Schwabing aircraft bomb was also an exceptional situation for the emergency services and experts on site.

How are these people today, ten years after the big bang? What else do you remember? And how do you deal with such an experience? My colleague Ana Maria Michel and I let nine people who were directly affected by the explosion have their say (SZ Plus). They all have one thing in common: they will probably never forget this day.


“Who feels safe in this city? Is it the same for all people?” Hanna Sammüller-Gradl has been a district administration officer since July and is the first woman and first Green in this office. About the dangers of the big city, alcohol bans, sidewalk cafés – and why no piece of paper fits between you and the police. To the interview. (SZ Plus)

Munich still among the most expensive cities Things are looking bleak for homebuyers in the Bavarian state capital. Only one city in Europe is more expensive – at least according to a study by the management consultancy Deloitte.

Dedicated to trees and benches For almost 50 years, the Urban Living Association has not only advocated creating more greenery and a better quality of life in the districts. Residents’ ideas for redesigning squares and pathways in their neighborhood have been very successful.

With bus and celebrities against the skyscrapers So far, the initiators of the citizens’ initiative have only collected 12,000 of the 35,000 signatures needed. A campaign bus and supporter videos should now lead to the goal faster.

The Prinze outdoor pool will remain closed until the end of the summer season The fire in the sauna area caused major damage to the main building. For safety reasons, the outdoor area will also not be opened for the time being.

Driver crashes into house after race The stranger had previously fled from the police at up to 160 kilometers per hour. After the impact, he left the car and ran away.



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