Munich today – news from 17.09.2021 – Munich

On this Saturday it would have been so far. Without Corona, Munich’s Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) would have tapped the first keg of Oktoberfest beer at exactly twelve o’clock and presented the first mass to Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). The spectacle is always a highly regarded one, but shortly before the big elections, people like to take a closer look: With what teasing who gives who another quick drink?

As is well known, nothing will come of this this year because the whole beer festival was canceled due to the pandemic that has not yet been overcome. There are still Oktoberfest beers. If you like, you can pour it comfortably at home. My colleague Franz Kotteder was present at the very special beer tasting on the Nockherberg, which was dedicated to the festival beer vintage 2021, and has already collected further observations of the substitute phenomena with which the city cushions pain second time without their biggest festival through late summer to have to come.

FC Bayern is also doing something about it. Although there is no Oktoberfest at all, he will play his home game against VfL Bochum this Saturday in a specially designed Oktoberfest shirt. This is supposed to imitate the traditional costume look that has been popular in Munich for several years and is therefore green – a color in which the record champion has seldom been seen so far. How the idea fits into the shirt history of the well-known club, I had Stefan Appenowitz explain to mewho has written an entire book about the clothes of all Bundesliga soccer teams since 1963 and who also has an explanation for why the Lions often dared more than their prominent local rival when it came to jersey design.

I wish you a nice weekend. Without the Oktoberfest, but with football in unusual colors. The next is the federal election. Also in Munich.


Oktoberfest hosts are suing for compensation The operators of the Schützenfestzelt want to get four million euros from their insurance for the failed Oktoberfest 2020. The chances of the restaurateurs are good – but there is a hurdle.

Christians protest against Sunday shopping Shops are currently allowed to open on Sundays four times a year, provided that a big festival or something similar takes place at the same time. The CSU would like to delete this reference to the event in the future – and it encounters resistance.

IAA Security mistakenly arrests speakers Security forces arrested an employee of the Bremen Senator for Transport – he should actually take part in a podium. The Greens are angry.

MVV tickets will become more expensive again when the timetable changes Ten cents more for a single journey: In December the prices for the use of S-Bahn and U-Bahn, trams and buses will rise. The increase is intended to help offset the failures caused by the pandemic.



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To the counties: Bad Toelz-Wolfratshausen | Dachau | Ebersberg | Erding | Freising | Fürstenfeldbruck | Munich | Starnberg


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