Munich: The Croatian author Marko Pogačar reads in the poetry cabinet – Munich

“Glossen gegen Gott” is the name of Marko Pogačar’s latest volume of poetry. Alida Bremer published it last year in Edition Correspondence. Looking at the title, one suspects that this poet, who has already been described as the “Rimbaud of Croatian poetry”, holds little sacred.

The author, who was born in Split in 1984, is currently the third poet in residence, after his Hungarian colleague Kinga Tóth and the British translator Karen Leeder, to receive the joint grant from Villa Waldberta and Ebenböckhaus as well as the Lyrik Kabinett. In the latter, the poet will now introduce himself in conversation with Lisa Jeschke – and also his current projects. In addition to poems, this also includes an essay project on the role of poetry in times of violent conflict. As Pogačar once wrote: “To love is the easiest thing, everything else is so difficult.”

Marko Pogačar, Thursday, February 16, 7 p.m., Poetry Cabinet, Amalienstraße 83 Rgb.,

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