Munich: The career of the “master lion” Bernd Patzke – Munich

With TSV 1860 Munich, Bernd Patzke became German champion in 1966, with the national team he played against Brazil in the Maracanã Stadium, and he witnessed the Wembley goal from the substitutes’ bench. The adventures followed.


Thomas Becker

If you meet Bernd Patzke for a chat over a portion of spaetzle with sauce on natural schnitzel, you can be sure that the meal will end up in your stomach a little later. After all, you have to listen to the man. And given what the elderly gentleman has to say, even the tastiest of lunches can be left cold with no regrets. When can you listen to a contemporary witness who played with Stan Libuda and Helmut Haller, who played against Brazil in front of 100,000 spectators in the Maracanã Stadium and who actually managed to become German champion with TSV 1860?

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