Munich: The Bürgersaal Fürstenried has a new boss – Munich

The Bürgersaal Fürstenried has a new managing director: Felix Thiedemann. The 36-year-old musician and culture manager from Tübingen succeeds Thomas Linsmayer in this function on April 1, who had managed the culture and event center in the south-west of Munich for 24 years and has now been appointed head of the Deutsches Theater.

The district committee (BA) Thalkirchen-Obersendling-Forstenried-Fürstenried-Solln said farewell to Linsmayer with an enjoyable evening of events. The BA chairman Ludwig Weidinger (CSU) and his predecessor Hans Bauer (SPD) acknowledged the stamina of the retiring event manager, who has launched more than 2200 events of all kinds in Fürstenried. In return, the “creative moderator” Linsmayer recalled highlights from earlier programs, such as a performance by Dieter Hildebrandt.

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