Munich: The babe in Müllerstraße opens – Munich

Champagne bottles might be a good substitute. A few bottles of Ruinart are now deposited where the slot machines of the Sunshine Pub once stood, this city-famous nightclub. But just as the former name of the restaurant at Müllerstraße 17 was already a deception, nobody has ever seen even a bit of sunlight here, at most on the way home in the morning, so the new “Babe” is also a little irritating. Initially, the choice of flagship drinks behind the counter is hardly surprising, because what does a former bouncer at P1 stand for if not for wine from Champagne.

Klaus Gunschmann took over the mini-bar and not only removed the slot machines, but also the regular customers. Instead, he set up the shop in a way that is familiar from other of his restaurants. Bare lightbulbs, dark walls. Gunschmann advertises with the label: Munich’s smallest club. “Babe” goes well with this, of course. But then of course the question is whether you can create a disco feeling in 40 square meters.

The conditions are definitely there. Electronic music from the DJ booth next to the bar, two steps up in the back part of the club, which is closed off by a mini booth. There’s only one piece of furniture that takes up a whole wall of space, a love-red neon “Babe” logo. Otherwise, on the opening night around midnight, only the colorful light spots of the disco ball move. At the entrance, a couple toasts each other with a 0.33 Augustiner glass.

Gunschmann proudly presents and illuminates the tap and column from below as the sparkling bottles on the shelf. A beer on tap costs 2.50 euros, the drinks 9.50. Usual club prices, but in Munich, which is now spoiled by many high-quality cocktail shops, this is no longer enough for some. Two young ladies miss the sophisticated taste and seating on Friday night. The latter will be submitted later, the opening on April 1st was more of a soft one.

A beer on tap costs 2.50 euros, the drinks 9.50. The usual club prices are for Munich.

(Photo: Catherine Hess)

And the drink quality is of course one of those things. In clubs, the drink is usually composed quickly and not too laboriously from good ingredients, while in bars drinks, including glasses and accessories, have long been celebrated as standard. You can’t even find both at Paradiso, the club’s top dog on Müllerstrasse.

The question of what minimum size is required for a discotheque to create a dance atmosphere will probably be answered here in the coming weeks and months. One requirement is easy to achieve: narrow spaces on the dance floor. More than 50 guests do not fit in the shop anyway. And the subject of the door must of course also be taken up again with a P1 veteran. However, not for reasons of rejection here, but because of noise protection.

Three square meters of floor space had to be spent on an airlock with two doors connected in series. And the interior is also optimized for soundproofing. So it could already be the quietest door in town, but it remains to be seen whether it also has to be the second hardest.


  • Audience: Fine and happy to go out
  • The atmosphere: Disco dark flashing
  • Opening hours: Friday and Saturday from 9.30 p.m

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