Munich: Police intensify the fight against computer crime – Munich

In order to be able to react immediately to acute threats from cyber extortionists, the Bavarian police have set up rapid intervention teams. And they are very busy: Corona acts like a booster for the number of cases.


Joachim Mölter

It’s annoying enough when suddenly your computer screen freezes and nothing happens while you’re working. But it really drives the pulse higher when a window pops up in which a text begins with the words: “Dear victim …”. If you are employed in a larger or even medium-sized company, you have an inkling of what follows afterwards: “Your network is infected, your data is encrypted.” As a sign that the computer system has been hijacked by pirates, a skull symbol sometimes appears, but that was a bit out of fashion, has determined Evi Haberberger, the deputy head of the department for computer crime at the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (BLKA). Or cybercrime, as it is called in English, the predominant language in this branch of crime.

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