Forecast: Weather Service: Rain and thunderstorms in Germany

Weather service: Rain and thunderstorms in Germany

Dark clouds move over the counterstones in the Harz foothills. photo

© Matthias Bein/dpa

After the Pentecost weekend, people in Germany can expect unstable and uncomfortable weather. What about the flood areas?

After continuous rain and flooding in the southwest, it will remain wet on Whit Monday and in the coming days Germany. On Monday there were heavy showers and thunderstorms, especially in the northern half, said the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach. These could be accompanied by heavy rain and hail locally. “When you take a walk on Whit Monday, you should pay close attention to the sky there,” said Nico Bauer from the DWD forecast center.

There could be more rain in the flood areas on Tuesday. According to the forecast, dense clouds will gather in the southern half and it will rain in the southwest. Strong thunderstorms with heavy rain are also possible from southeast Bavaria to the Eifel. “Storm-like amounts of rain are occurring locally,” it said. In the north, however, it should be sunny. The maximum values ​​are between 28 degrees in the north and 17 degrees in the southwest.

According to the forecast, the rainy weather will move north on Wednesday night. There is then a local risk of severe weather due to strong thunderstorms with heavy rain. In the north, humid weather is expected with temperatures between 22 and 27 degrees, otherwise temperatures are between 17 and 23 degrees.


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