Munich: No train, no flight, no problem – Munich

Now the umpteenth railway workers’ strike is over again. Was there something? In any case, the people of Munich accepted the standstill on the railways with the utmost calmness, as always. If the GDL union thought they could shock local commuters, they were wrong, on the contrary: being informed 48 hours in advance that only a few S-Bahn trains are running only happens on strike days. This is the kind of service you would want for the rest of the year. And then, as announced, there is an unannounced wave strike so that the railway is “no longer a reliable means of transport”, it is just business as usual in Munich and the surrounding area. Another strike and another one is of interest here, at most, to people named Wayne. Something like that obviously happened to strike Hansel Weselsky, who is prone to errors in thinking.

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