Munich: Municipal utilities come under pressure because of the northern thermal power plant – Munich

What does the conversion from coal to gas mean for the environment? Does the conversion match the specifications in Unterföhring? The neighboring community, climate activists and city councils are demanding answers from the SWM.

The North Thermal Power Plant has long since developed into a military power plant. What’s next there? The debate about the local coal block is becoming heated and increasingly heated. As operators, the municipal utilities (SWM) are under pressure to present their plans transparently. The municipality of Unterföhring, on whose territory the HKW Nord is located, is now also demanding this. Block 2 of the plant, which produces electricity and district heating, is to be operated with natural gas from this year. In the background is the question of whether the planned gas operation is compatible with the municipality’s requirements. And whether this ultimately produces more climate-damaging CO₂ than temporary coal burning.

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