Munich: Monument farce of the Bundeswehr is an embarrassing spectacle – Munich

The first impulse is a laugh. How absurd the farce is about the war memorial belonging to the Bundeswehr on Dachauer Strasse. Alone, the laughter doesn’t want to be happy, the spectacle that the troupe and also a court performed there is too embarrassing. “They died for Germany’s fame and honor,” reads the stone block. Artist Wolfram Kastner protested against this glorification of war and was barred from entering, reported and sentenced for disturbing the peace of the dead and “damaging property that is harmful to the community”. That’s not laughable, it’s embarrassing. Even more now that the Bundeswehr has found out what honorary historians from Neuhausen already knew: that 50 years ago the Bundeswehr put up a slogan by the National Socialists when they erected the old monument in a new form.

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