Munich: Large-scale power outage around the Oktoberfest – Munich

The fire department reported a large-scale power outage in the southwest of Munich city center on Tuesday afternoon. Areas affected were in the districts of Ludwigsvorstadt, Isarvorstadt, Schwanthalerhöhe and Sendling. The Theresienwiese is also located there – but the Oktoberfest is said to have not been affected by the brief blackout. The rides ran as usual.

The emergency numbers 110 and 112 were interrupted in the affected streets and traffic lights were also out. At 12.40 p.m. the fire brigade was able to give the all-clear: “The municipal utilities have successfully completed their work. The power outage has been resolved. The emergency numbers 112 and 110 can be reached regularly again.” According to the municipal utility, a technical defect was to blame for the blackout, but the security service “restored the supply as quickly as possible.”

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