Munich: Damian Dalla Torre presents his debut album in the Milla – Munich

Everything flows. Nothing stays. There is only one eternal becoming. The philosopher Heraclitus once said something similar. That this is the case can make you melancholic. But you can also see the positive in it. In any case, the saxophonist and composer Damian Dalla Torre, who lives in Leipzig and comes from South Tyrol, says about the title and the music on his debut “Happy Floating”: “It’s ambivalent – you’re melancholic, but at the same time openly hopeful.” And he also alludes to the “collective feeling of a generation in difficult times”. This collective idea is also reflected in the cast of the work, which was released by the Munich Squama label. A total of 20 musicians can be heard on it. The result flows between ambient and jazz, analogue and digital, melancholy and optimism. Dalla Torre is now presenting the album live at the Milla.

Damian Dalla Torre, Thursday, March 9, 8 p.m., Milla Club, Holzstraße 28,

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