Munich: Children have to wait months for operations – Munich

Because they usually have to pay extra, many pediatric ENT doctors now forego outpatient operations. This leads to long waiting times for young patients. There are now solutions to the problem in other federal states.

Marie is not feeling well. She was sick every other week, says her mother. The three-year-old from Munich could no longer breathe properly and she repeatedly had to struggle with thick mucus in her nose. Nothing really helped, no nasal sprays, not even cortisone. Marie can no longer hear well. Her daughter only perceived everything “dumbly,” says the 38-year-old mother. “I made phone calls and phone calls. I was really desperate.” Their inquiries went as far as Regensburg. Whether it was a doctor or a clinic, the announcement was always: “We are not operating at the moment” or “it could take a while”.

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