Munich: “Butcher in masks” in the Volkstheater – Munich

In 2016, a scandal shook the Munich CSU: Wiesn city councilor Georg Schlagbauer, master butcher with a family business, then 44 years old, a beacon of hope for his party, resigned from all his offices. The reason for this was a drug and red light affair. Schlagbauer crashed and eventually even had to file for bankruptcy.

Seven years after these events, the world premiere of “Butcher in Masks” is now coming out at the Volkstheater. It is a production of the Otto Falckenberg School. The premiere is based on the events of the time, but is not documentary theater but a “bourgeois tragedy”. The text comes from Anton Artibilov, who tells the story of Hubert Niedermaier: Hubert is a butcher’s son, grows up well-behaved and protected, helps in the family business, makes a political career – and succumbs to individual temptations that ultimately mean the end of his career.

But for Artibilov this story is only a variant, character and fate change in the course of the evening. “Butcher in Masks” is being directed by directing student Paula Schlagbauer, who, according to the OFS, is very distantly related to the former Wiesn city councilor.

Butchers in masksworld premiere, Thursday to Saturday, July 20 to 22, 8 p.m., Volkstheater, Stage 3,

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