More than two tons of cocaine found on the coast in four days

For 150 million euros of cocaine found in four days… More than two tons of cocaine packed in bags washed up last weekend and Wednesday on the coast of the English Channel.

Sunday morning, on the beach of Réville (Manche), several bags containing approximately 850 kg of cocaine had been discovered. And on Wednesday, new bags washed up on the coast, as announced by the Channel prefecture in a press release. This time, according to a source familiar with the matter, confirming information from West Franceit is about 1.5 tons of cocaine, that is to say a total of 2.3 tons, which is “historic”.

A few precedents…

Cocaine has already been found on the French coast. Thus, at the end of 2019, bales containing a total of 1,600 kg of cocaine washed up on the beaches of an area ranging from Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) to Camaret (Finistère). More recently, at the end of May 2022, breads of cocaine, for a total of around 21 kg, were found on a beach in Berck (Pas-de-Calais).

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