More than 5,600 patients in intensive care

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care in France rose above the threshold of 5,600 people on Monday, May 3. – UGO AMEZ / SIPA

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care units, which had slowly decreased for several days in a row, increased again on Monday, rising above 5,600, according to figures from Public Health France.

Critical care services (which bring together resuscitation, intensive care and continuous monitoring) had 5,630 patients on Monday, including 386 admitted in the past 24 hours, against 5,585 on Sunday.

311 deaths in 24 hours

This figure, scrutinized under a magnifying glass, had slowly declined last week, moving away from the 6,000 mark exceeded on April 26.

This bar, under which the number of patients hospitalized in these services has been oscillating since mid-April, is below the peak of the first wave in April 2020 (around 7,000) but higher than that of the second wave in the fall (4,900 ).

The total of Covid patients in the hospital is also up slightly, to 28,950, against 28,818 the day before, with 1,495 new hospitalizations in the last 24 hours. A week ago, hospitals were welcoming more than 30,000 Covid patients.

In total, 311 people have died from the coronavirus in hospital in the last 24 hours, compared to 113 the day before, bringing the number of deaths to at least 105,159 since the start of the epidemic in spring 2020, including 78,906 in hospital .

In 24 hours, the number of new confirmed positive cases is 3,760, a figure still lower on Monday after the weekend when fewer tests are carried out.

The positivity rate, which corresponds to the percentage of people infected among those who are tested, has fallen to 7.6% over the last seven days (rate consolidated at D-3).

On the vaccination side, 16,133,547 people received at least one injection, of which 6,688,302 were fully vaccinated with two doses of vaccine (i.e. 10% of the total population and 12.7% of the adult population), indicates the Directorate. general health (DGS).



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