More anti-Semitic motifs discovered at documenta |

The anti-Semitism scandal surrounding the documenta in Kassel continues: drawings by a Syrian artist from 1988 are said to show some anti-Semitic stereotypes. The documenta rejects the allegations.

Other motifs criticized as anti-Semitic were found at the world art show documenta in Kassel. According to the Research and Information Center for Antisemitism Hessen (RIAS Hessen), a visitor to the exhibition noticed corresponding depictions in the Museum Fridericianum and reported them to RIAS Hessen. The research and information center verified the report, said project manager Susanne Urban.

According to Urban, these are depictions in a brochure entitled “Presence des Femmes”, which was published in Algiers in 1988. The drawings by the Syrian artist Burhan Karkoutly contained in it partly showed anti-Semitic stereotypes and the country of Palestine, provided with classifications that denied the legitimacy of the State of Israel.

No classification of the illustrations

According to the information, the brochure was issued by the initiative “Archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie” (“Archives of women’s struggles in Algeria”). Its goal is to “build a digital and freely accessible archive with documents on feminist collectives and associations in Algeria, especially those that have emerged since the country’s independence in 1962,” according to the documenta website.

According to Urban, the brochure was not classified on the subject of the women’s archive. First, the Jewish General had the recent development reported.

documenta: Work has been checked

The documenta rejected the allegations. The historical archive material was taken out of the exhibition about three weeks ago in order to examine it more closely. “According to the investigation, while there is a clear reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is no depiction of Jews ‘as such,'” the statement said.

“The Star of David, while a distinctly Jewish symbol, is used here as part of the national flag to identify the Israeli military.” The work was classified as not relevant under criminal law. After viewing, the material was returned to the exhibition.

Shortly after the opening of the most important exhibition for contemporary art next to the Venice Biennale in mid-June, a work with anti-Semitic imagery was discovered and dismantled.

Months earlier there had been allegations of anti-Semitism against the curating artist collective Ruangrupa from Indonesia. As a result of the scandal, documenta General Director Sabine Schormann resigned from her position. Alexander Farenholtz was appointed interim managing director.

Anti-Semitism officer criticizes new management

Farenholtz had only recently emphasized that the documenta exhibition was on an “excellent course” and stressed that there would be no examination of the remaining works of art: “Under no circumstances should the impression arise that the scientific support will introduce a control authority,” he said.

The federal government’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, told the “Bild” newspaper that the failure of those responsible continues. “These hate images show that the new documenta management has still not drawn the necessary substantive and structural consequences from the previous scandal.” Klein demands that all exhibits be viewed and checked for anti-Semitic content.

The documenta announced on Wednesday: “There will be no screening of the exhibition for any anti-Semitic motifs.”

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