More and more short work stoppages and close to the weekend, as the president of Medef asserts?

The president of Medef castigated this Friday morning the “work stoppages of convenience”. Invited on BFMTV, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux denounced an “explosion of short-term work stoppages, especially on Fridays and Mondays”. Work stoppages have indeed increased in volume. If we compare 2022 to 2019, the number of work stoppages compensated by members of the CTIP (Technical Center for Provident Institutions) has increased by 30%.

But 2019 marked the last year before Covid-19. The pandemic has marked an upsurge in shutdowns in order to isolate people carrying the virus while they are contagious. The absence of waiting days for people who tested positive was only recorded on February 1, 2023. In 2022, nearly one in two employees (44%) was arrested at least once in the workplace. year, according to Axa’s Datascope published at the end of May. However, the curve remains quite stable. 41% of employees studied by Malakoff were prescribed a work stoppage in 2016, compared to 42% in 2022.

Sick leave for a long weekend?

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux also claims that stops near the weekend are exploding. However, there are no official figures on judgments issued specifically on Mondays and Fridays. But the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, also points the finger at them. Its “fraud plan” presented in May provides for “a new campaign of controls” of work stoppages from September.

He wants to target “false stops on Monday […] or Friday”, as well as those “which are not accompanied by any prescription for care or medication”. If the government wants to focus on fraud in work stoppages, the leaders of the Health Insurance (CNAM) recognize however that the hunt for cheaters among the insured has only a “limited financial impact”.

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