Diablo 4: “This is how it should have been at launch” – This is what fans say about Season 4

The fourth season of Blizzard’s action role-playing game Diablo 4 has been running since this week.

Similarly, a major new update was released that, among other things, makes extensive changes to loot and items in Diablo 4. The first reactions from fans to the new season are definitely positive, but the season is not well received everywhere.

That’s what the fans say

The title of a post Reddit For example, “This is how the game should have been from day one.”

“I’m absolutely addicted,” writes Reddit user RoeJoganLife. “And I’m having an absurd amount of fun.”

Although RoeJoganLife is brought straight back down to earth. Deidarac5 replies: “No, this wouldn’t have been possible on day one, even after ten years of development. This is due to the feedback from the community and the adjustments that were made. They fixed a lot of problems throughout the year, listened. “

“Since the release of this season, I have played more than slept,” adds Landetta. And fuckforceone adds: “I see it the same way. I only ever played until around level 50 because then you kept overflowing your inventory. Now I’m having fun…”

bigBangParty “loves the season so far” and feels “they’ve really learned since Season 2.” It is “very satisfying” to destroy waves of demons together with others.

“I completely agree,” writes Jedilover123. “Because of these changes, I’m now 1,000% invested in it.”

But there are also some critical and skeptical voices who still find it “boring” or are of the opinion that everything is now too easy.

“This is how everyone felt in the first week after the game launched,” writes SeiriusPolaris. “Withhold your feelings until you’ve reached the endgame and spent a few weeks with it.”

“Just enjoy it for a week and then move on,” advises Ollimann. “That’s the most likely thing to happen. The leveling is too fast and the endgame is still boring, the progression is not fun. There is hardly anything to work towards. We have a base now, it will take two more years to work on it.”

Zyke92 says: “I had quite a bit of fun for a few hours, but I felt like it was missing something fundamental to keep me engaged. The Hell Tides was fun, but quickly became boring. Other than that, it felt pretty much like the game, that I played at the beginning. Maybe I’m just not the target group with thousands of hours in PoE, but that’s okay if the majority like it.

Have you already played Season 4 of Diablo 4? What do you think about the innovations and changes?

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