Mohamed Amra’s dangerous connections with Marseille drug trafficking

From Normandy to Marseille, in crime, there is only one step. A step has been taken by Mohammed Amra, known as “The Fly”, since his bloody escape organized at the Incarville tollbooth, in Eure. The 30-year-old man has been indicted in Marseille since September 26, 2023 for an assassination case against a backdrop of drug trafficking. According to Provenceit concerns a “barbecue” committed on the night of June 16 to 17, 2022, in which Mohamed Amra would be the instigator although he had then been incarcerated in Paris for six months.

That night, the Marseille police found the charred corpse of a man in the trunk of a Kangoo thus destroyed and abandoned in the town of Rove, just next to the northern districts of Marseille. The victim is almost surprising: she comes from Dreux (Eure-et-Loir), lied to his wife, who reported his disappearance, pretexting the purchase of a car in Marseille to actually deliver there, or rather have 100 kg of cannabis “cored” there and be paid with a pellet in the head, according to an idea from Mohamed Amra, investigators suspect.

At the time, it was one more “narchomicide” in an already bloody summer and year 2022 in Marseille – 31 deaths – marked in particular by a conflict between the “Blacks” gang and the team of “Oliviers A”, name and letter of a block located in the eponymous city. But what is Mohamed Amra, known until now mainly for a robbery and break-ins committed near Evreux, in the Marseille drug kitchen?

Making money with Marseille drug traffickers

“The name of Mohamed Amra was never heard too much then,” remembers Denis Trossero, author at the start of the year of Settling of accounts in Marseille and former police-justice chief at Provence. But as more and more young people come to “job” in Marseille from other cities in France, some a little higher on the spectrum of banditry may think they can come and make money with Marseille drug traffickers,” he continues. . Also, according to The ParisianMohamed Amra had attracted the attention of Ofast investigators for alleged cocaine trafficking between the Antilles and mainland France and is suspected of being involved in an attempted assassination of a Frenchman in Spain committed in July 2023.

Despite these suspicions which no longer paint the portrait of a robber-burglar but of a high-flying criminal, “The Fly” managed to remain relatively off the radar – at least for a while. The investigation resulting from the assassination of the young man from Dreux led to the establishment of a link between Mohamed Amra and the “Blacks” clan.

Sixteen arrests and two tonnes of cannabis seized

It followed, according to Provence, “multiple arrests carried out as far as Spain, in the ranks of the “Blacks””. Presumably during an operation carried out at the beginning of June 2023 by Marseille investigators which led to the arrest of sixteen suspects, including one in Malaga, and the seizure of two tonnes of cannabis and 1.5 kg of cocaine.

In September 2023, while incarcerated in Beaumettes, Mohamed Amra was taken from his cell to be interviewed by a Marseille investigator and then indicted for complicity in kidnapping and murder. If his guilt remains to be proven, it nevertheless appears certain that the most wanted man in France had a connection with organized crime, one who has the material, financial and logistical means to lead an attack on a van of agents of the penitentiary.

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