Misdiagnosis: Why ADHD is so often overlooked in women

Angelina Boerger found out about her ADHD very late. This is not only because she considered the symptoms “normal” for a long time, but also has something to do with her gender. In the exclusive starseries she tells her story.

I think the decision to meet Domian was made in November 2019. At that time I was researching for a journalistic contribution on the subject of “secrets” for the WDR. It was already clear in the editorial conference: Angelina must meet Domian. In case you don’t know him: Domian is something of a luminary of West German Broadcasting.

For more than 25 years he sat in the studio almost every night and answered anonymous calls from people all over Germany. About lonely people, angry people, people with incredible and amusing stories, people with well-kept secrets. The perfect conversation partner. Said and done. After our interview, he spontaneously invited me to his new TV show in the audience.

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