Minimum wage: In search of wage evaders in Berlin – politics

The minimum wage will increase three times this year – up to twelve euros an hour, according to Olaf Scholz’s promise. Numbers prove: It is not always paid as much as required. On the road with people who control it.


Roland Preuss, Berlin

Kati Ziller has planned everything: which route the cars will take, who guards the back entrance, who goes into the basement. Twelve customs officers have gathered this afternoon somewhere in Berlin. The vanguard in civilian clothes get into ordinary cars, the rearguard are white and green VW buses, like those used by the police – except that “customs” is written on them. Head of operations Ziller lets go, destination Sonnenallee, Berlin-Neukölln. “That’s definitely the most exciting part,” says Ziller’s employee Nils Hänisch. “You never know what to expect there.”

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