Mila Kunis and Demi Moore: Actresses “have a lot in common”

Mila Kunis and Demi Moore
Actresses “have a lot in common”

Mila Kunis (left) is married to Ashton Kutcher. Demi Moore is the actor’s ex-wife.

© [M] Birdie Thompson/AdMedia/ImageCollect

Mila Kunis and Demi Moore spark laughs in a joint commercial. What do you think Ashton Kutcher has to say about this?

What do you think Ashton Kutcher (43) says about it? Both his wife Mila Kunis (38) and his ex-wife Demi Moore (59) appear in a new advertising clip for the US telecommunications group AT&T.

Kunis and Moore are in a high school reunion in the commercial. When an award is to be given to the most admired former student, they both get up before the name is announced and head towards the stage. But then another former is honored. Moore and Kunis try to bridge the awkward situation with some small talk. “I had no idea we went to the same high school,” says Moore. And Kunis replies meaningfully: “We have a lot in common.”

Mila Kunis and Demi Moore really went to the same school

Funny thing: Kunis and Moore went to the same high school in Los Angeles in real life. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Kutcher’s wife explainsthat she contacted Moore about the spot. In a meeting with AT&T, she and those responsible discovered that the two actresses went to the same school. Kunis said he was “thrilled” that Moore wanted to be involved.

Kutcher was married to fellow actress Moore from 2005 to 2013 before stepping down the aisle with Kunis in 2015. The two have two children together – their daughter Wyatt, born in 2014, and son Dimitri, who was born in 2016. Kunis and Kutcher have known each other for many years, having appeared together on the popular sitcom That ’70s Show, which aired in the US between 1998 and 2006.


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