Pistorius wants an additional 3.8 billion euros for Ukraine

As of: May 19, 2024 8:00 a.m

Ukraine is demanding more military support from its allies. According to a media report, the federal government is likely to increase its aid this year. We are talking about a further 3.8 billion euros.

According to a media report, the federal government wants to massively increase military aid to Ukraine this year. The Ministry of Defense has therefore announced an additional need of 3.8 billion euros for military support, reports “Bild am Sonntag”.

So far this year, Germany has provided 7.1 billion euros for military aid. However, the sum is almost completely budgeted, and only 300 million euros are still open for new ammunition and weapon purchases, the paper writes, citing government circles. The over-plan expenditure should be submitted to parliament for approval in June.

Lindner signals approval

Christian Lindner’s (FDP) Finance Ministry has signaled its approval. “Germany must not fail to strengthen Ukraine’s defense. If possible, we should deliver more weapons this year,” BamS quoted ministry sources as saying. It is not necessary to suspend the debt brake. “If consensus can be established within the government, we will find ways forward in the current financial year.”

According to the report, Pistorius has announced an additional requirement of 6.7 billion euros for the Bundeswehr in the 2025 budget. His ministry is said to be budgeting 15 billion euros for aid to Ukraine.

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