Middle Ages in Mindelheim – Bavaria

Everything is not back in sync yet, which has messed up the corona virus. The first pandemic of the 21st century now seems to be a thing of the past – but not as far away as the Mindelheim city lord Georg von Frundsberg. The people of Mindelheim usually celebrate it every three years, but they recently took a five-year break because of the pandemic. At the weekend, however, the Frundsberg Festival, which is one of the largest historical spectacles in southern Germany, began in the district town in the Lower Allgäu. Over a period of ten days, thousands of participants as emperors and court, as nobles, as farmers, as lansquenets and in all sorts of other roles conjure up life in Mindelheim 500 years ago. Among other things, the city gates will be re-inserted and the current traffic signs will be closed or completely removed. The historic parade with around 3,500 costumed participants, 180 horses and more than 30 carriages and floats moves through the city according to its own rules anyway – and it’s supposed to do it a second time next Sunday. The city is expecting around 55,000 visitors this year on both weekends of the festival.

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