Microsoft: Windows Backup – Backup to OneDrive

Microsoft didn’t just close security gaps with the Windows Update previews in August and the final September updates. The update also brought backup software, which on German systems is called Windows Backup. It stores data in OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud service.


The developers recently pointed this out pointed out in the Windows Message Center. A Knowledgebase entry from Microsoft provides a concise overview and answers frequently asked questions about the program.

Microsoft has designed Windows backup as a system component. Therefore it cannot be uninstalled. The software is intended to place selected files and folders, login information, apps and associated app settings in OneDrive.

Microsoft describes that the Documents folder can be saved together with the desktop in this way. If something happens to the physical device and it breaks, the data can then be easily restored. This should also make moving to a new Windows device easier and let users simply continue where they left off.

Screenshot of Windows backup to the cloud

Microsoft now installs Windows Backup, which stores backups in OneDrive.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

Microsoft intends OneDrive backup particularly for consumer computers. Anyone who logs into Windows with a Microsoft account with the domains, and similar should be able to use Windows Backup. User accounts in Azure AD (or newer with Entra ID) and in Active Directory do not see the software.

Local backup is still possible. The “File Version History” offers, for example, the ability to back up files and folders, desktops, etc. to local external drives or network shares.

Screenshot of Windows File History

Screenshot of Windows File History

Windows’ file version history offers comparable backups, for example to local external drives or network shares.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

Microsoft has anchored the new cloud backup in Windows 10 and Windows 11. In mid-September, Microsoft also released updates for Windows as part of Patch Tuesday. In addition to installing the new backup software, they closed various security gaps in the operating systems.


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