Micky Beisenherz on the coronavirus and opponents of vaccinations

One would think that statistics and reliable studies are enough to decide in favor of the corona vaccination. But humans are special mammals: defiant, ill-informed, lazy and vicious, thinks Micky Beisenherz.

“Freedom”. What good times those were when we could still laugh at Joachim Gauck’s Hossa. Now the term has aged worse than “personal responsibility” or the EU’s Nobel Peace Prize. What actually happened here? It’s November 2021 and this whole theater is starting over.

The only thing that seems boosted is the incidences, and the concomitants are inevitable. Cancellations, tightening, tens of thousands of tweets that alternately call to stay at home, to keep your distance and to get vaccinated for God’s sake. Preferably by people from the performing trade who did not want to miss the opportunity to share the infection protection performance certificate with the public and to pick up a pat on the back.

Of course, only from those who perceive the epidemic as much as they do. If the alleged target group took notice, they would probably feel at best harassed. In the meantime, one remains consistently to oneself. Parallel pandemics.

Sure, you don’t like to read that because you are doing “important work” with the 20 “get vaccinated!” Tweets per week. Which is about as correct as the belief that with a healthy diet and a bit of cycling, you have such a strong immune system to get through the pandemic without a vaccination.

As if there weren’t a million pieces of evidence why this is nonsense. At the same time, there are convincing studies of what works and what does not in the fight against pandemics. 2G, partial vaccination as in Austria or France. Successful, tailor-made communication (e.g. via SMS) as in Spain. A booster vaccination campaign started on time like in Israel.

So far in Germany we have had about: nothing. At least we are now rid of the stigma of being a people of authority-based functional fetishists. Instead, a power vacuum, and somewhere in the quiet the one-man opposition Markus Söder, who always wanted to have known. It’s almost touching how talented the German government (that is, both of them) is at stumbling after what is happening instead of anticipating developments. But after 20 months it is a little too much to ask.

Pietro Lombardi is suddenly seen as a shrewd thought leader

When a Pietro Lombardi suddenly one of the nation’s wise thought leaders who should be listened to, then that is also a symptom of crisis. At least nothing was heard from Olaf Scholz that, according to clear guidance, tasted good in the frosty months. With his speech in the Bundestag, “To make Germany winterproof, so to speak,” he was hardly more powerful than the guy from the Carglass advertisement.

And Angela Merkel? Come on, it doesn’t matter. What are we talking about here? This is about what has proven to be the only possible means of finding the way out of the pandemic – and we are discussing the whole thing on the level of something between a smoking ban and Russian roulette. One would think that statistics and reliable studies are enough to decide in favor of vaccination, but humans are very special mammals. Defiant, ill-informed, lazy and vicious.

The fact that politicians are resisting to free themselves from the promise that there will be no compulsory vaccination is almost reminiscent of the unfortunate situation into which so many vaccine opponents have screwed themselves with no prospect of being vaccinated in front of their own peer group without losing face .

Citizens should report violations of 2G requirements

Wouldn’t it be appropriate to use the new situation as an opportunity to seriously question your own politics? Sometimes it gets almost strange if you decide against the compulsory vaccination because “it divides society”, while at the same time, like Hamburg’s Senator for the Interior, you call on citizens to report violations of 2G requirements. Sure, that should ease tensions.

In the immovability of the principles, the spiritual rigidity, one is somehow very close. Which brings us back to freedom. You can’t just put them aside when the zeitgeist demands it, of course. Freedom is a great good. It is perfectly legitimate to call them the basis of one’s existence.

But anyone who does not know how to adapt his ideology to changed circumstances threatens to make a fool of himself. It is said that one’s body is a temple and behaves as if it were an allotment garden. Where is the foresight of the visionary free spirits? Is it so difficult to understand that this temporary suspension of individual freedom would mean paying into a much larger one?

It is not without a certain comedy that it is not infrequently the same people who are upset that a European hamster is involved in large construction projects – “typical!” – Germany blocks, but does not understand that, as an individual brake on vaccinations, they stand in the way of a sustainable country.

And why is it actually up to us to argue about these things with just ten percent of the population who absolutely do not want to be vaccinated. With a vaccine that hardly anyone can manage to vaccinate at the moment. Because once again all forward-looking action was missed. One could well accuse the government, as it is well known that the fish always starts to stink on the head. Unfortunately, the fish doesn’t even have one anymore.

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