Menopause: 5 signs

The time of the last menstrual period, the so-called menopause, ends the woman’s fertility. The menopause (climacteric) is the period before menopause in which the female body changes. For those affected, these physical changes are associated with various symptoms. Menopause is as individual as the woman herself, but it usually begins between the ages of 45 and 50. Due to their unspecific occurrence, menopausal symptoms are often not recognized as such, but are attributed to stress or other circumstances. We explain the signs by which you can recognize menopause.

Menopause: These 5 Signs Identify Menopause

1. Hot flashes

A well-known and typical sign of menopause are hot flashes and sweats. As a rule, the feeling of heat spreads from the head to the neck and upper body and is accompanied by profuse sweating that subsides after a few minutes. The exact cause of the hot flashes is unknown. However, it is believed that falling levels of estrogen cause body temperature to rise, which in turn causes blood vessels to widen. As a result, more blood flows through the skin so that the body can release heat to the outside to lower the body temperature.

2. Mood swings

The psyche can also be affected by the hormonal changes. Because the female sex hormone estrogen has a mood-enhancing effect, a drop in the estrogen level during menopause can cause symptoms such as mood swings, depressive moods or even depression. These are often accompanied by symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, nervousness, feelings of fear and listlessness.

3. vaginal dryness

Menopause can also have a negative impact on your love life. The lack of estrogen reduces blood flow to the vagina and produces less vaginal secretions, which can lead to vaginal dryness. This lack of moisture can manifest itself as itching or burning, and it can affect sex life. The low estrogen level can also lead to a loss of libido. Here you can find out which home remedies you can use to increase your libido >>

4. Insomnia

Many people suffer from insomnia which can be caused by various factors. But stress and co. Are not always responsible for the problems – problems falling asleep and staying asleep often occur during menopause. These can be triggered on the one hand by hormonal changes, but also by night sweats. Poor sleep quality can in turn cause symptoms such as poor concentration, tiredness or headaches, which are just as typical for the period before menopause.

5. Indigestion

Persistent digestive problems are uncomfortable and can severely reduce the quality of life. Possible factors that are responsible for the intestinal problems include the wrong diet, the use of certain medications and food intolerances. Due to the decrease in estrogen, symptoms such as constipation or constipation can also occur during the menopause.

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Video: menopause – what you need to know about menopause

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