Meat consumption is declining again – economy

Meat consumption in Germany fell again last year. According to calculations by the Federal Information Center for Agriculture (BZL), per capita meat consumption fell by 430 grams to 51.6 kilograms, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture announced on Thursday. This is the lowest value since records began. In 2018, an average of 60.9 kilograms of meat was consumed by each person. While consumption of pork (an average of 27.5 kilograms) and beef (8.9 kilograms) fell last year, consumers increased their consumption of poultry (13.1 kilograms). “Germans are paying more attention to their health, the impact on the environment and the welfare of animals when it comes to their diet,” said Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens). “Many people today are eating less meat, but more consciously – and all the figures suggest that the trend is continuing.” Surveys regularly show that consumers want higher standards in animal husbandry and would also be willing to pay more money for them. “Keeping fewer animals better – that’s what it’s all about,” says Özdemir. With the introduction of the state animal husbandry label and funding for the restructuring of animal husbandry, the government has taken decisive steps.

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