Maxime Chattam helps you get started writing a novel

“There is not just one writing method, there is one for each of us,” assures Maxime Chattam who advises to start by making yourself comfortable. At home, the novelist has indeed created a tailor-made “cocoon” in the shape of a Gothic den, with a stuffed werewolf behind him, a mummy not far away and skulls in the library … be more than enough to win the next prize 20 minutes of the novel… but if you wish to participate, do not hesitate to follow the recommendations of our president of the jury.

1. The imposed theme you will respect

“The conquest”: the theme imposed for this third edition of the Prize 20 minutes of the novel is broad enough not to be a brake, but a springboard to the imagination. “Is the conquest going to be something personal, the conquest of oneself or the conquest of the other? Is it going to talk about the world? Will it be concrete, abstract, pictorial? Obviously, in the jury, we will look at how you respected the theme, but what matters is how this theme, “the conquest”, can resonate with your writing desires, specifies the president of the jury. The most ordinary story can be fascinating. It is enough that your point of view, because it is unique, makes you want to read it. “

2. With a good idea, you will get started

The starting point is often a good idea to dig. And for that, nothing like a good character or a good interaction between several characters. “But you can also, and me it is rather like that that I proceed – which does not mean that it is the best way to do it – first define a plot, corrects Maxime Chattam. You’re going to start writing a novel, okay, but in two sentences, what is it going to be about? Is this pitch strong enough for us to want to know more? “

The president of the jury also insists on the consistency of your story. “You will perhaps have a very precise idea which belongs to the domain of the historical novel, or which will lead you into the thriller or the initiation novel… Whatever! But, stay consistent. If you start your story with a sense of humor, and after two chapters, you pour into the drama, this switch must have a resonance in the story and that we understand it. In this case, assume your choice and play it, so that the reader can follow you! “

3. For a long-term test, you will prepare yourself

Writing a novel “is not a sprint,” notes Maxime Chattam mischievously. Rather “a small marathon”, even if you have to register your manuscript before January 31 on the site from our partner publisher,
New Authors. This is being prepared “with discipline if we want to give ourselves the means to achieve our ambition and complete our project”. The novelist advises to go for a walk to mature his ideas and to impose a regular rhythm of writing of two hours per day, “so that a dynamic is put in place”. And faced with professional or family constraints? “You will see that a night of six hours instead of eight, it is possible when you are very motivated”, explains the novelist who did this when he was a bookseller, before being able to live off his pen. “We’re tired, but I guarantee you that in the end, we’re happy. “

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