“Masters of the Universe: Revolution” on Netflix: Will He-Man come out? – Media

Suppose He-Man had aged against every industry rule since his first comic book appearance in 1981. Then he would be around 60 today, have joint pain from all the (by no means naturally acquired) muscles, would be raving about the good old days, the 80s, remembering his many (desperate) reinventions afterwards and his amazing career as a (gay) )remember icon. At the top, his blonde princely hairstyle would have turned gray or disappeared, and at the bottom, he would probably no longer wear his skimpy fur loincloth triangle (which, of all men, looked like a gigantic female intimate hairstyle). He would tell of his battles with archenemy Skeletor (and secretly envy his skull face that knows no crow’s feet). If he were asked what he thinks not only of the cinematic success of his superhero competitors, but above all of that of his colleague Barbie, who was also invented by the toy manufacturer Mattel, he would nobly congratulate her (and discreetly on the upcoming live-action film adaptation of his own refer story). He would probably react a bit nervously (i.e. swinging a sword or even splitting his body) to a question: Why this extremely idiotic name, He-Man?

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