Munich throws stones at 15-year-old – Munich

A 15-year-old teenager with Moroccan roots was racially insulted, attacked and persecuted in the Munich district of Bogenhausen last Thursday, the police said. The perpetrator, a 49-year-old from Munich, threw stones at the young person.

The incident occurred around 8 p.m. at a tram stop on Cosimastrasse. The attacker suddenly attacked the 15-year-old and insulted him. As the teenager ran away, he was chased by the man. The 49-year-old crushed his headphones, which had fallen to the floor. He then shouted threats at the 15-year-old and threw stones at him.

A passer-by called the police emergency number. The 49-year-old was arrested. He was charged with attempted grievous bodily harm, insults, threats and damage to property. State security is investigating.

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