“Masked Singer”: Joana Zimmer exposed as a galactic being

«Masked Singer»
Joana Zimmer exposed as a galactic being

Singer Joana Zimmer appeared as the character “Galax’Sis”. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The singer Joana Zimmer left the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”. With her futuristic costume she could not convince the audience.

The “kale boys” were her eyes: singer Joana Zimmer was exposed on the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”. The 39-year-old, who can’t see, wore a futuristic costume called Galax’Sis – some kind of alien life form with a glowing flower wreath.

On Saturday evening, however, she received too few votes from the audience and had to take off her mask. “It was a lot of fun,” Zimmer said after her exit. But now she’s looking forward to coming home.

In the rate show, the singer always came on stage in her costume with two masked companions who were connected to her with cords. As it turned out, the staging also had a practical reason, because Zimmer is blind from birth. The two were her “eyes,” she explained. They had a real responsibility “that we don’t stumble around here in any way”. Since the two Galax’Sis partners were covered in all sorts of green muddles, they were sometimes jokingly called “kale boys” on the show.

Zimmer’s exposure did not come as a complete surprise. Her name had already been mentioned several times – among other things, musician Rea Garvey and moderator Ruth Moschner in the “Masked Singer” rate team correctly typed on the musician from Freiburg, who made her breakthrough with her song “I Believe (Give A Little Bit)” in 2005 had succeeded.

In “The Masked Singer” celebrities appear as singers, but hide their true identities behind large masks. Only her voice and a few hints give an idea of ​​who could be on stage. After all, anyone who is kicked out of the show has to identify themselves. The sixth season is currently running.


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