Marriage proposal at the airport: Couple wants to get married after 63 years of separation

childhood love
Marriage proposal at the airport goes viral: Couple finds each other again after 63 years of separation

Thomas McMeekin proposes to Nancy Gambell at the airport

© TikTok

Thomas McMeekin and Nancy Gambell dated in high school, then parted ways for decades. They met again at the age of 78 – and want to get married right away.

Sometimes love takes patience—in the case of Thomas McMeekin and Nancy Gambell, quite a bit of it. Both are now 78 years old and want to get married in October. In fact, they’ve known each other their whole lives.

Thomas and Nancy were a couple while they were still in high school in California. Even if Thomas didn’t believe it at first: He always “only watched the cheerleader Nancy from afar”: “I never thought that I would have a chance with her.” After a short time together at school, they parted ways and both married other people. But after a few decades, they found each other again.

Marriage proposal right after landing

More precisely, it lasted for 63 years. Gambell contacted McMeekin just before the class reunion for her 60-year senior reunion. She wanted to let him know that she would come and ask if they would see each other. This resulted in many long phone calls, which revived the connection from back then. “We fell in love again,” stated Thomas McMeekin.

For him, who now lives in Florida, it is clear: “We are meant for each other.” That’s why he didn’t hesitate and sent his former girlfriend plane tickets so that she could visit him. An emotional reunion took place at the airport. McMeekin had brought roses, and not only that: in the airport lobby, he read a love letter and proposed to Gambell.

“I couldn’t wait,” he told the Today portal. “She had no idea what was going on.” Finding such a love relationship again at his age is “incredible,” says the 78-year-old – and therefore gives the following advice to everyone else: “Have hope, there is a chance.”

Sources: tik tok / “today” / ABC

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