Market Swabians collect for earthquake victims – Ebersberg

A merger of Markt Schwabener Organization wants to support those affected by the severe earthquakes in south-east Turkey with donations in kind. For this purpose, the Turkish association, the association Ditib and the organization Kat have launched the project “Aid Organization Earthquake Turkey”.

This week, the first collection of donations in kind will take place over two days in the old fire station (below the town hall on Schlossplatz). What things are needed can be found in a current list of requirements, which is on the home page can be found in the community and is also available at the town hall reception. The organizers point out that donations that are not on the needs list will not be accepted. This also applies to used items.

The opening hours for acceptance in the old fire station are Tuesday, February 21, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Thursday, February 23, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Further dates for accepting donations are to follow.

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