Israel: Netanyahu should present plan – otherwise Minister Gantz threatens to leave the government

Abroad Ultimatum in Israel

Netanyahu should present a plan – otherwise Minister Gantz threatens to leave the government

Benny Gantz has called on Benjamin Netanyahu to present a plan

Benny Gantz has called on Benjamin Netanyahu to present a plan

Source: picture alliance/newscom/DEBBIE HILL

Benny Gantz has called on Prime Minister Netanyahu to present a plan for the post-war order in the Gaza Strip by June 8th. If Gantz carries out his threat, it could have far-reaching consequences for the Israeli government.

benny Gantz, a minister in Israel’s war cabinet, has threatened to quit the government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. If the head of government does not present a plan for the post-war order in the Gaza Strip by June 8th, he and other members of his National Union party would leave the cabinet, the politician said on Saturday evening in Tel Aviv.

Among other things, Gantz called for the establishment of an American-European-Arab-Palestinian government alternative in the Gaza Strip; under no circumstances could this be Hamas or Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. In addition, the hostages must return from Gaza and relations with Saudi Arabia must be normalized. Gantz also called for a concept for military service for all Israelis to be adopted. “Prime Minister Netanyahu, I look you in the eyes this evening and say – the choice is in your hands.”

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The 64-year-old politician joined Netanyahu’s government as a minister without portfolio and a member of the war cabinet after the unprecedented attack by Hamas and other terrorist groups on October 7th. In doing so, those involved wanted to send a signal of unity. The center party National Union, led by Gantz, is in opposition. In opinion polls, she is currently well ahead of Netanyahu’s Likud party.

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Netanyahu’s office said Gantz’s demands would mean a defeat for Israel, the surrender of the majority of hostages, Hamas remaining in power and the creation of a Palestinian state, according to media reports. Netanyahu believes an emergency government is important to achieve all war goals, including the return of all hostages.

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Israel has come under international criticism for the high number of civilian casualties and the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Many in the country complain that the war has not brought a decisive victory, even after more than seven months. The fact that more than 100 hostages are still in the hands of Hamas is also causing criticism of the government.

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Netanyahu has been in power since the end of 2022 together with right-wing extremist and ultra-religious parties. So far, he has refused to present a plan for the administration and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after the end of the war in order not to offend his ultra-right coalition partners.

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They pursue unrealistic goals such as building Jewish settlements in Gaza, but Netanyahu’s political survival depends on them. If Gantz were to carry out his threat and leave the government, it could provoke a government crisis.

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