Marine Ltemporel’s three simple tips for managing the aftermath of the holidays

Start 2024 off right! Marine Lrouille, Miss France 2013 and general practitioner gives 20 minutes advice from his book In great shape published by Marabout. Sleep, diet, sport… She gives all the tips you need to help you slowly (but surely) get back on track after the holidays.

Eat better but without depriving yourself

Even the day after a party, there is no need to overwhelm yourself by eating green salads. On the contrary, the doctor recommends “listening to your feelings”. By this, Marine Ltemporel means “eating enough” and not being in an attitude of deprivation because of a too fatty dinner the day before. There is also no need to think about doing a detox using cures and food supplements. “Don’t be fooled,” warns the doctor. Detox, in the body, happens naturally thanks to the liver and kidneys. »

What to do ? Nothing, except to hydrate yourself well with water. “It will also allow you to recover well when you have drunk a little too much,” explains Marine Ltemporel.

Get back on a good sleep schedule

Christmas Eve, Christmas, then the New Year… After the end of December holidays, the sleep schedule is disrupted. It’s normal, we stay up very late and end up sleeping in, which we sometimes can’t allow ourselves for very long.

To resynchronize yourself, Marine Ltemporel advises going to bed an hour earlier each day, until you return to your usual bedtime. You will have understood, you will have to come to terms with your alarm in the morning. Scheduling an alarm clock will also allow you to “reset yourself more quickly,” says the former Miss France.

Get back to sport

“I can only encourage you to be active, to move every day,” rejoices the doctor if sport is also part of your resolutions for this new year. But don’t bother going for a 10 km run with your neighbor, especially if you don’t like it.

The goal being to stay in good physical condition, Marine Ltemporel recommends doing “simple” activities that will allow you to “stay active on a daily basis”. Walking, gardening, cleaning can be a way to get moving. Otherwise, leisure activities with friends or family that require staying in motion. In short, choose an activity that makes you happy and go there gradually to maintain motivation in the long term.

“Take care of yourself, your body and your mind, it’s very important”, encourages the author before wishing a “beautiful new year 2024”.

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