Marine Le Pen accuses Emmanuel Macron “of being afraid of the people”…

7:57 a.m .: Macron warns against “the return to nationalism, to war” if Le Pen is elected

Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday that Marine Le Pen wanted to “leave” the European Union but that she no longer dared to say so, which would lead, if elected president, to “a return to nationalism” and “to war” on the continent. “The battle we are waging is not just for France, but for Europe”, proclaimed the president-candidate during a speech in Châtenois (Bas-Rhin).

“Because, he added, the project of the extreme right is a project where the exit from Europe is hidden (…) Exit from this Europe of peace which is a conquest of the last eight decades. “With the greatest force, you will see me opposing this project because it is the return to nationalism and the return to war. Never,” he added.

The outgoing President then went to Strasbourg, and 20 minutes was there.

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