Macron helps the “monster” with “shocking and clumsy” comments

Should a president have said that? In just a few minutes, Emmanuel Macron achieved a triple feat on Wednesday evening on France 5: defending a man indicted for rape and sexual assault, disavowing his Minister of Culture on the subject, and striking a new blow. from a penknife to a promise, the fight against violence against women, the great cause of the five-year term.

When receiving the broadcast C to you at the Elysée, the head of state did not only defend the immigration law. He stepped up to protect Gérard Depardieu, a monument of French cinema who became a monster, accused by at least 15 women of sexist and sexual violence. The broadcast at the beginning of December of a report from Further investigation on France 2 where the actor made a series of misogynistic remarks and behaviors during a trip to North Korea, putting this issue at the heart of the news.

“Macron continues to lose credibility on the cause of women”

“One thing you’ll never see me in is manhunts. I hate that,” insisted the President of the Republic, who recalled his great admiration for “an immense actor” who “makes France proud”. “The disciplinary procedure” promised by the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak initiated by the Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honor against the actor? Brushed aside by the president. His minister has “stepped forward”, the Legion of Honor is a distinction which “is not there to preach”.

“With these declarations, Emmanuel Macron continues to lose credibility on the cause of women, judge Violaine De Filippis Abate, spokesperson for the association Dare feminism! He made shocking and clumsy comments. » If she considers that the president is in his role by recalling the presumption of innocence from which Gérard Depardieu benefits, “this does not imply congratulating someone indicted in a rape case and who made comments which are not just dirty jokes.”

The majority denounces “a bad trial” against the president

Especially since the legal news surrounding the actor is thickening: last week, Spanish journalist Ruth Baza filed a complaint in her country for rape against the actor for facts dating back to 1995. The day before the broadcast of Further investigation, a complaint for sexual assault was filed by actress Hélène Darras. Finally, the interpreter of Cyrano de Bergerac has been indicted since December 2020 for rape and sexual assault after a complaint from actress Charlotte Arnould.

“Personally, I was shocked by this report,” recognizes Mathieu Lefèvre, Renaissance deputy for Val-de-Marne, while denouncing the “bad trial” against Emmanuel Macron. “You have to distinguish between what you feel and legal matters. By not participating in this “manhunt” as he called it and by recalling the presumption of innocence, the president in no way justifies the insulting remarks against women, the inappropriate behavior, and even less the actions criminally reprehensible”.

“A priority policy”

After receiving the Legion of Honor from Jacques Chirac in 1996, Gérard Depardieu said he was making this distinction “available”. Before being defended by the president. “To take away the Legion of Honor would be the minimum,” judge Violaine De Filippis Abate. Emmanuel Macron’s speech on this affair shows the inconsistency between his supposed commitment to women’s rights and reality. Generally speaking, there have been no concrete actions, only measures.”

An observation refuted by the majority parliamentarian, who maintains that no other president than Emmanuel Macron has done so much, “in speeches and in actions”, to fight against violence against women. “We have put in place anti-reconciliation bracelets, serious danger telephones, legislation on street insults. It’s a priority policy,” insists Mathieu Lefèvre. A justification which did not convince the opposition and feminist associations. With “the president, it’s one step forward, five steps back,” summarized Suzy Rojtman, spokesperson for the National Collective for Women’s Rights, to AFP.

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