Macron at the head of Pas-de-Calais, the level of worried college and “full employment” law

Did you miss the news this morning? We have put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

Victim for several days of devastating floods, Pas-de-Calais will have a visit from Emmanuel Macron this Tuesday. The Head of State is expected at the department’s bedside at 11:30 a.m. To express “his support and that of the entire Nation to the inhabitants affected by the successive episodes of floods as well as to all the rescue forces mobilized”, he will be accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, Marc Fesneau, the Minister of the Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, and the Minister for SMEs, Olivia Grégoire. The presidential visit takes place while residents are preparing for a new rise in water levels. Pas-de-Calais is in fact still on orange flood alert this Tuesday, like six other departments (North, Vendée, Charente-Maritime, Jura, Doubs, Vosges), and rain-flooding.

Gabriel Attal sounds the alarm about the level of college students. On Monday, the Minister of Education described as “worrying” the results in French and mathematics of the national assessments taken in fourth grade in September. He therefore promised “strong measures” for the college at the beginning of December. “The risk, if we do nothing, is that our college will break down,” he said in an interview with Parisian. It must be said that these results show that “a little more than half of the students do not read adequately and in mathematics, more than half do not master problem solving and geometry”.

MPs will examine the “full employment” bill this Tuesday, probably for the last time. After the green light from the senators, a positive vote in the Assembly will in fact sign the final adoption of the text, with its new demands criticized for RSA beneficiaries, strongly supported by the right in the face of an indignant left. The presidential camp says it is confident before the “solemn vote”, scheduled for the end of the day, on the compromise sealed between representatives of the two chambers. Supported by the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, the text sets the course for an unemployment rate of 5% by 2027, through reinforced support for people furthest from employment.

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