Lower Saxony loosens corona restrictions from today | NDR.de – News

Status: 02/24/2022 00:00

A new Corona regulation applies in Lower Saxony from today. It contains a number of relaxations.

As of Thursday, people in Lower Saxony who have been vaccinated against the corona virus and have recovered from an infection can meet with any number of people in the private sphere, as the State Chancellery announced on Wednesday in Hanover. The federal and state governments had agreed on this relaxation during the most recent consultations. The state government had already announced this step.

According to the State Chancellery, the most important changes are as follows:

  • The contact restrictions in the private sphere for fully vaccinated or recovered people are completely eliminated
  • For unvaccinated people: One household plus two other people from a household. Exceptions: children up to 14 years, independent of households
  • In gastronomy, 2G applies indoors and outdoors, so access is only available to those who have been fully vaccinated or have recovered
  • For events attended by more than 50 people and less than 2,000: indoor and outdoor 2G
  • At events in which more than 2,000 people take part: indoors and outdoors 2G+, i.e. with a negative rapid test
  • Trade fairs are possible again, 3G applies
  • 2G applies indoors and outdoors in hotels and guesthouses. 3G applies to overnight stays as part of professional training, further education and training as well as business trips
  • Sports facilities and sports halls use 3G indoors and outdoors
  • For body-related services, i.e. hairdressers or cosmetic studios, wearing an FFP2 mask is sufficient


You can download the current regulation here. It is valid until March 19th. Download (232KB)


Here you can download the summary of the current regulation. It applies from February 24, 2022. Download (141 KB)


The debating state parliament photographed from above.  ©screenshot

2 mins

From March 20th, only masks will be compulsory. Prime Minister Weil does not see this as a so-called Freedom Day. 2 mins

Because: “New chapter in the fight against pandemics”

A new chapter in fighting the pandemic is beginning for Lower Saxony, said Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD). “After a difficult winter, we are on course to relax. By March 20, 2022, all corona-related restrictions will be abolished in three stages, with the exception of the mask.” However, the head of government also emphasized: “Please don’t think that the pandemic is over. It’s not.”

Further easing announced for March 4th

An FFP2 mask must still be worn in retail and on buses and trains. Further relaxed corona rules are to come into force on March 4th. Then, for example, unvaccinated people with a negative test should be able to go back to a restaurant or to events with a maximum of 2,000 visitors.

Further information

A biological-technical assistant prepares PCR tests for the corona virus from patients in the PCR laboratory of the Lower Saxony State Health Office for analysis.  © dpa Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

The RKI also registered 17,086 new infections. Other important parameters such as hospitalization can be found here. more

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photomontage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

How many new infections are there? How is the situation in the clinics? What is the vaccination rate? Which rules apply? more

A man is given a corona test in a rapid test center in Hanover.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

According to NDR, WDR and SZ, there are test centers that do not find a single positive case among several thousand tests. More corona news in the blog. more

The virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and the virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance/dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes that have been broadcast so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. more

Further information

Are the infection numbers falling further? You can access the current corona numbers for your region on the NDR.de website. Just enter your zip code. more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 02/23/2022 | 6:00 p.m

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