Low-fat yogurt cake made from 3 ingredients: quick, healthy, delicious (recipe)

See in the video: Quick, easy and low-fat yogurt cake made from just three ingredients.

Low-fat yogurt cake made from just three ingredients.
Everyone knows cheesecake – but yogurt cake?
Yes, this fluffy cake is becoming more and more popular with food blogers.
The cake is quick and particularly low in fat.
Everything you need for this:
400 g sweetened yoghurt, 4 eggs, 40g sieved corn starch.
1. Mix the yogurt with the eggs
2. Add the sifted corn starch and stir too
3. Now bake the dough in the preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes
The oven-fresh cake enjoyment is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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