Losing weight thanks to hormones? The hormone diet in check

Do you want to lose weight, but no diet has had any effect yet? Maybe hormones are preventing you from losing weight. Hormones play a crucial role in determining weight gain and loss. We explain what is behind hormone diets and different types of hormones and when hormone therapy makes sense to lose weight.

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Hormone therapy: What hormone type are you?

Which hormone type you belong to can primarily be determined by the distribution of fat in your body. It is very helpful to know a little about hormones when losing weight. Estrogen types – i.e. people with high estrogen levels – for example, have curves on their hips, buttocks and legs. When it comes to losing weight, the following applies to them: A diet rich in carbohydrates and low in fat leads to weight loss most quickly. If you’re an estrogen type, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains, but little meat. In addition to a conscious diet, the best thing for estrogen types are exercises for a flat stomach – for example losing weight with the hula hoop – and exercises against saddlebags, which quickly convert the carbohydrates consumed into muscles.

On the other hand, are you part of the Gestagen type, you have a rather boyish figure and are slim and tall. People who belong to this hormone type don’t actually need to lose weight or even go on a hormonal diet. However, a balanced and protein-rich diet is still important. If too many carbohydrates lead to fat storage, these will quickly disappear with regular exercise.

Are you strongly built, have broad shoulders, narrow hips and large breasts? Then you are probably one Testosterone type. In this case you have an increased level of testosterone. Your problem area where hormones make it difficult to lose weight: the stomach. But you can get this under control with lots of exercise, a low-carbohydrate diet and lots of animal protein, as well as regular abdominal muscle training.

Is losing weight possible without a diet? The answer is in this video:

Lose weight with hormones: melatonin

One Spanish study from 2014 According to this, melatonin, a hormone produced by the body during sleep, is said to help you lose weight. The aim of a hormone diet with melatonin is to eat consciously and preferentially consume foods that contain the hormone. Foods like Oats, corn, rice, wheat and barley are particularly suitable for absorbing melatonin through food. They have a melatonin content between 1,000 and 1,800 picograms (1,000,000 picograms = 1 milligram) per gram. In addition to oatmeal, muesli, etc., the following foods also contain the sleep hormone:

  • Cranberries
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Pistachios
  • tomatoes

Additionally show seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, mustard seeds, walnuts, peanuts as well milk small amounts of melatonin.

However, it should be noted that the positive effects of melatonin on weight have so far only been proven in rats. Studies on humans are still pending.

Dangerous trend: hormone therapy for losing weight with HCG

Also controversial is the method of the HCG diet, which is based on the regular injections of the pregnancy hormone HCG puts. The HCG diet was developed in 1954 by Dr. Albert TW Simeons, a British doctor. This is one Reduction diet with extremely low calorie intake (500 calories per day), which is combined with daily HCG injections.

Simeons developed the HCG diet based on his observation of Indian pregnant women who died despite extremely low energy intake lost more fat than muscle tissue and at the same time had high performance. He attributed this to increased HCG levels during pregnancy. He found that his patients experienced greater weight loss when they received low doses of HCG injections in addition to extreme calorie restriction.

The main goal of the HCG diet, according to Simeons, is Weight loss through targeted fat loss, especially in problematic areas such as hips, legs and arms. In addition, the addition of hormones is said to cause a significantly lower feeling of hunger compared to a reduction diet without HCG hormone therapy. The concept became known as a celebrity diet. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Britney Spears are said to have achieved slim figures by using the HCG diet. However, it is now clear that this hormone diet is nonsense.

Over the past 60 years, various studies have been conducted to investigate the possible effect of HCG on weight loss. There have been critical voices from science since the 1980s. Back in 1976, the US Food and Drug Administration stated that Injections with the hormone HCG are neither safe nor effective for weight loss apply. There is no scientific evidence that HCG combined with an energy-restricted diet changes the distribution of fat in the body or reduces hunger. The weight loss is attributed solely to the reduction in energy intake.

The Drug Commission of the German Medical Association came to the conclusion in 1987 that HCG has neither a “fat mobilizing” effect nor an influence on appetite or the feeling of hunger. The weight loss in overweight patients due to HCG is no greater than with a calorie-restricted diet and does not improve well-being during a weight loss diet.

Conclusion: HCG is neither effective nor approved for the supportive treatment of diet-related obesity.

Hormone therapy to lose weight if you have an underactive thyroid

By the way, did you know that losing weight can also be prevented by hormones? This is when there is an underactive thyroid, which really disrupts the hormonal balance and makes losing weight naturally impossible. Among the possible ones Symptoms of an underactive thyroid belong:

  • Weakness and tiredness
  • low pulse
  • shortness of breath
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • apathy (lethargy)
  • depression
  • dry skin
  • dry hair, hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • enlarged thyroid
  • deep, hoarse voice
  • enlarged tongue
  • constipation
  • heavy menstrual bleeding or disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • limited fertility
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • hearing loss
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Tingling or numbness
  • slowed reflexes

To diagnose hypothyroidism, one Blood test necessary for medical professionals. If it is proven that an underactive thyroid is preventing you from losing weight, you will receive the missing thyroid hormone in tablet form. This is how one can Hormone therapy under medical supervision be very useful.

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