Losing weight and dieting: Ten mistakes that prevent weight loss success

Watch the video: If you want to lose weight, you shouldn’t fall for these mistakes.

1) Just focus on the scales: your body weight fluctuates by up to 1.8 kilograms within a day. And if you turn fat into muscle through a lot of training, you won’t lose weight. Monthly photos or measuring your abdominal circumference are more meaningful alternatives.

2) The wrong amount of calories: A calorie deficit is the key to losing weight. However, studies show that almost everyone underestimates the calories in the food they consume. But be careful: If you consume less than 1,000 calories per day, you risk muscle loss. This is not only dangerous, but also counterproductive: muscles ultimately burn fat.

3) The wrong training: If you don’t train enough with a reduced amount of calories, you will lose muscle and slow down your metabolism. This means losing weight takes longer. On the other hand, if you do too much exercise, you will quickly over-stress your body. This is neither effective nor healthy.

4) Ignore the weights: Weight training maintains muscle and boosts metabolism. Studies show that this form of training is an essential part of a successful weight loss strategy.

5) Low-fat or diet products: In many products, low fat often corresponds to a large amount of sugar. Do not be fooled. A look at the nutrient table provides clarity.

6) Overestimating exercise: People tend to greatly overestimate the amount of calories burned during exercise. You shouldn’t fill up on a second portion just because of a training session.

7) Low protein diet: Protein reduces appetite, increases feelings of fullness and boosts metabolism. So why give it up?

8) Expectations that are too high: Everyone has big goals when it comes to losing weight, but these are often the cause of frustration. Setting realistic goals increases motivation and reduces the risk of abandonment.

9) Drink Sugar: Soft drinks are known to contain a lot of sugar. But unfortunately that also applies to many juices! The calorie deficit quickly turns into a surplus.

10) Ready-made products: It’s easy to overeat ready-made products. With home-cooked meals with unprocessed ingredients, the feeling of satiety sets in much more quickly.

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