Lose weight with low energy density foods

  1. 24vita
  2. Nutrition


If you want to lose weight, you should pay less attention to the calories and more to the energy density of food. Because this way you can eat enough and still lose weight.

If you pay attention to the energy density of food, you can reduce your energy intake and thus shed pounds. Products with a low energy density can also be eaten in larger quantities, are rich in vitamins and fill you up thanks to their high water and fiber content. You can lose weight in a healthy way and without going hungry.

Foods with low energy density – studies show influence on body weight

Anyone who is overweight (obesity) is not alone with the problem: around two thirds of German men (67 percent) and over half of German women (53 percent) are overweight German Obesity Society informed. In many cases, high weight is accompanied by other illnesses such as high blood pressure and sugar and lipid metabolism disorders (so-called metabolic syndrome). This increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Obesity is therefore not a “cosmetic problem”, but rather a serious disease of civilization.

Losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean going hungry: if you pay attention to the right energy density in your food, you can eat your fill without any concerns (symbolic image). © Panthermedia/Imago

If you want to lose weight, you should not only exercise regularly but also pay attention to a healthy diet. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends choosing foods less based on their calorie content than on their energy density. Because Studies have shown that if you regularly eat food with a low energy density, you can automatically regulate your energy intake and lose kilos. The decisive factor for how much we eat and when we are full is not the energy we consume, but the amount of food. In practice this means: A large plate full of vegetables is more sustainable than a handful of chips.

Noodles without calories – they really exist

It sounds too good to be true: feast on pasta without regrets. Make it possible Calorie-free Shirataki noodles, also known as Konjac noodles (promotional link). They consist of the Asian konjac root and mainly contain the fiber glucomannan. They are tasteless, absorb flavors well and are ideal for low-calorie diets and gluten-free.

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These foods have a low energy density

Apart from vegetable oils, nuts and avocado: most natural foods have a low energy density and can be eaten in larger quantities than heavily processed foods. So have loud DGE For example, six carrots (450 grams), two apples (250 grams) or 300 grams of low-fat yogurt have the same number of calories as half a croissant (30 grams) or a pretzel (55 grams).

If you pay attention to a low energy density when eating, you can eat significantly larger portions and even lose pounds when eating “usual” portion sizes. Energy density can be calculated by dividing the calorie content of a food by its weight. It indicates how many kilocalories one gram of a food contains.

Foods with low energy density are:

  • Vegetables such as cucumbers, chicory, green beans, parsnips and peas
  • potatoes
  • Fresh grain porridge with yogurt and fruit
  • Fruit, especially berries and apples
  • Whey, buttermilk, low-fat milk and low-fat yogurt
  • Cream cheese and mozzarella
  • lean meats such as beef tenderloin and chicken

Avoid foods with a high energy density if possible

Industrially processed foods, on the other hand, in most cases have a high energy density, contain little water, but plenty of sugar and fat. If you want to lose weight, it is better to avoid these products, also because ready meals can increase the risk of cancer in the mouth, throat and esophagus, as a study shows.

Foods with a particularly high energy density include:

  • Potato chips and fries
  • Pretzel pastries, croissants, cakes
  • cornflakes
  • Dried fruits
  • Parmesan and blue cheese
  • Liver sausage, goose, Vienna sausage, smoked bacon
  • Vegetable margarine
  • Chocolate
  • Peanut butter
  • almost all fast food products

But natural foods can also have a relatively high energy density. For example, lentils and soybeans as well as certain types of meat have relatively high calories per gram.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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